What does HIMNC Health Start cover?

HIMNC Health Start cover responds to the most common medical needs. Live with the peace of mind of knowing that at all times you have direct access to the professional of your choice.

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General coverage

General Medicine

To take care of your day-to-day health we give you access to general practitioners, pediatricians and nursing service.

Medical specialties

Access all specialties unlimitedly, without long waiting lists and without the need for prescription from your family doctor. Pediatrics, gynecology, dermatology, endocrinology, traumatology…

Diagnostic tests

Access to all the usual diagnostic means (clinical analysis, x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), CT, ultrasound, electrocardiogram, digital dermoscopy and many more) and always with the most advanced technology.

Second medical opinion

We give you the option of requesting a second assessment from experts of recognized national and international prestige on certain diseases (cancer, cardiovascular and neurological pathologies, chronic renal failure, Parkinson’s, childhood diabetes, etc.), without having to travel and with a response within a maximum period of 10 working days.

Home emergencies

So that in case of urgency if it is not possible to travel to the medical center, we send to your home a general practitioner and / or an ATS.

Medical assistance 24h.

24-hour telephone and online advice line where you can ask professionals your questions or ask for advice on pediatric and medical issues. Likewise, you can request help understanding reports, diagnostic tests and their preparations or ask about the use of medications, among other issues.

Medical assistance abroad

We cover medical, surgical, pharmaceutical and hospitalization expenses abroad with a maximum of € 15,000 per insured person per year. And we cover much more: repatriation expenses, shipment of medicines, travel and accommodation of companion, interpreter, help with the location and shipment of luggage, etc To make your consultations with health professionals, through call and video call, wherever you are.

Oral supplement

It includes 14 free basic services (consultations, diagnosis, extractions, cleanings) and maximum prices agreed with our dental medical staff for the rest of treatments. It is not a complete dental insurance but you can save a significant amount if we compare it with a client who does not have health insurance.